The CM/ECF Electronic Learning Modules provide step by step instructions, including screen shots, for the Docket Events listed below. A menu is provided within each event’s module to enable movement to a specific portion of the event and/or to repeat the instructions for a step within the event. The modules enable users to preview a docket event to ensure proper entry.
A sound card with speakers or headphones is necessary to listen to the modules. The modules are closed captioned so it is not required to listen to the modules.
If you have any questions regarding the modules, please contact the CM/ECF Helpdesk at: 1-866-803-9517.
Docket Events:
- Amended Chapter 13 Plan
- Amended List of Creditors and Verification of Matrix
- Amended Proof of Claim
- Amended Schedules
- Application for Compensation Module (Accountant)
- Application for Compensation Module (Debtor's Attorney)
- Application for Writ
- Certificate of Service
- Corrected PDF
- Motion to Amend Plan
- Multi-Part Motions
- Notice of Removal
- Omnibus Objection to Claims
- Open a Voluntary Chapter 7 Case
- Opening an Adversary Proceeding
- Proof of Claim
- Reaffirmation Agreement
- Uploading Creditors
- Withdrawal of Claim